I'm going to apologize for the unfocused post this week. Just trying to get myself to write SOMETHING.
It's also National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), for anybody else out there who is a writer, there's your challenge. I won't be writing a novel, but I will be attempting to create a good amount of content in non text message form. I realized recently that I probably write more in text messages than anything else, not that there's anything wrong with that.
I am very envious of people who have strong writing partnerships, like John and Paul or Trey and Matt or Batman and Robin. I got into group writing while working with Lenny Dee at Carleton. While Lenny Dee had some bumps in the road during the writing and editing process, I really miss writing with them. Spending four hours a week creating content with my friends was at once enjoyable and productive. In the wide world of Chicago where everybody wants to "make it" and we all have different experience levels, it's tough to find people I gel with that get me excited about their work. When I do find people that I think are funny or I would like to collab with, they are normal people with normal jobs who work during the day, not write all day.
I figure finding collaborators should get easier, but I worry that I'm not being proactive enough about the whole process. Most times when I meet people in classes, it takes a lot of effort to break through the initial awkwardness, which I always feel is my fault, although I suppose in awkward encounters, it might be the fault of both parties. I suppose finding people who want to be funny with you is just a more selective version of attempting to find new friends, which is difficult as well.
As the new month begins, I have so many big goals. I am suddenly motivated to do laundry, even though I have a few days of underwear left (too much information? or is honesty really the best policy?) I am continuing my job search and redefining my "brand" as a candidate (biggest headache ever.) And I am going to get back on track with writing, right? Right! I'll write a song, and sketches every week, and I'll make a video... Oh, and the perpetual goal that always arises while making goals: I will work out more! Now, I am reminded of this comic. Sighs.
Unsurprisingly, while working 30-35 hours/week, all of these goals can be accomplished by creating a routine for each one and incrementally increasing it, rather than saying "I will wake up, go for an hour run, do forty minutes of yoga, then write for the rest of the day. I can probably write a post and 85 sketches before I have to go to work!" But it is so tempting to become completely awesome all at once rather than being realistic by running two miles and writing for 15 minutes. The money thing (no shopping, no lattes) I can do because there is an end to it, and very clearly defined rules. I know I get to shop in December for Christmas, and I can start a wishlist.
So these are my goals, and then myself dooming my goals all in the same post. And somewhere in there I talk about wanting creative partners.
But hey, there's hope. It's 10am and I've already written a post, not a great post, but it is a post.
(image from the comic linked above, Hyperbole and a Half)
Edit- since I wrote this post, I have installed Nanny for Google Chrome, to make sure I keep my facebook, hulu and reddit time in check!
Love this blog about everyday life. Just want to make a plug for regular exercise--whether it's running or biking, etc. The exercise actually makes you more productive and makes you do everything better. Something about endorphins and oxygen to the brain... But you have to do it regularly. You can't go for one run, come home, and expect to be superwoman and brilliant. It has to be part of your lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE that cartoon about productivity.